Thursday, October 11, 2012

Alleged Batman Style Shooting

My name is Krystal Armstead. I am in the Air Force and am in need of experienced criminal and civil help.

I have been trying to find a lawyer to help defend my husband in a civil suit. First off let me say that I am sure you have heard about the alleged "Batman Style Shooting Threats" back in August.

 I was truly traumatized first hand by the events that occured in my home on August 10th, 2012 when  my husband James Armstead was arrested for allegedly threating a State Official.  My husband is not perfect, but he does not deserve all the attention that the media has been giving him since Friday, August 10th. I may have sent this email to you already. And if I am sending it again, it is because I have been unable to contact the person who was supposed to have called me back.

 I cannot believe that for years, I have been asking for help for all the wrong that has been done to my husband over the past 7 years of his life here in Maryland. And instead of helping this man, the media all would defame him by accepting the information from people who have no proof of what they are providing to the public.I am in the Air Force. Why would my husband call the Child Support office and threaten to kill them with an AK? Why would he tell them that WE have military guns in our house, knowing that the courts are just waiting for a reason to arrest him? The police lied to the media, telling them that they found documentation in my home stating my husband was going to purchase an AK! Where? What documentation?! My husband is disabled--I am the one who does all of his paperwork. The only thing that the police took from my house was a picture of transcripts of his court date at the circuit court, my BGE bill, and his phone!

At 2:30 in the morning, the police BURST through my bedroom window. There had to be at least 20 men that came running through my bedroom window, my living room windows, and my front door. I was completely naked, and 5 months pregnant suffering from placenta previa and am at risk of bleeding to death when I go in labor. I immediately jumped up from the bed and ran into my children's room because I thought they had my kids. And two men chased behind me aiming there guns at me. My husband came close behind, and one of the swat team rammed him in the head with his shield! I was on the floor, terrified, and naked, with the two guns aimed at me. Yes, I was yelling, screaming, and cursing and they had the nerve to tell me to call down. My kids were in shock. They took my husband into the livingroom after giving him his shorts to put on. My daughter gave me her blanket because I refused to let them get me anything. They told me to go into the living room and sit on the couch. I sat there, screaming for them to show me a warrant. They didn't respond. My husband sat at the table, hands tied behind his back, and blood running down his face. My kids came out of their room, and one of the men had the audacity to hold my 17 month old son. The police destroyed everything in my home looking for alleged weapons and bombs and anything to prove that what that supervisor said at child support was telling the truth. There is no phone recording, all there is is repeat phone calls to the child support office and circuit court.
Anyway, the police DID NOT show me the warrant until after they took my husband away and until 1 minute before they left out my door. He then told me that he would have to call my unit on Andrews AFB and tell them the situation since it is my address that they got my husband from. That very same morning at 7:30, my commander called me and said he had gotten a call that I have a WARRANT out for MY arrest!!??
Both my husband and my name have been defamed throughout this state. I do NOT have any record whatsoever, but I am being thrown out of my apartment in 30 days because a woman decides she is tired of my husband calling about mistakes that the court has made. The news has EVERYTHING backwards. Yes, my husband has children in Tennessee. The mother of the children filed for child support in TWO states at one time. She was getting child support for the children from BOTH states, which is FRAUD! She received benefits in Texas and in Tennessee, and has gotten away with pressing false charges on him even though she has not had any contact with him in over a year and half since he found out his daughter was raped by a 21 year old when she was 15. James tried explaining this to the court and they wouldn't listen. He has been through so much in his life and this system is making it so much worse.
My husband is innocent and look how his name has been ran through the mud off of hearsay. My children cannot sleep. My 8 year old cries every night since the incident, waking up from nightmares of the "men in black with the guns". I have started bleeding from stress. And we are going to have NO place to live because of this nonsense.  The media doesn't care about who's lives they are ruining either. Why would they state hearsay as if it is a fact? Why not question me sincerely, asking me about what REALLY happened instead of trying to pump information out about my husband and his business with the child support office? Why not  ask about all the letters that I wrote to news papers and his blog that I posted online about how much pain my husband has gone through over false charges and accusations?

Our lives are ruined. No one is going to let me move into their property with my husband's name across the news and me being kicked out because of these lies. I am at risk of losing my job and there is no way that James will ever get one!

I went straight to the court house Friday and put a lawsuit on everyone who jumped through my windows that morning, including the "woman" who caused this problem. And if the news wants to know the truth, maybe they should have asked me instead of trusted the police department who will do anything for media attention.

I have been going to everyone about this. I am facing eviction because my property manager saw this situation on the news and is now giving me a month to leave. I don't know what to do or who to go to for help. I really don't need this stress. I am going to get evicted because my property manager would rather believe the police department instead of waiting to hear the results from the hearing.

I have been going through a lot for a while and have been to everyone for help. What else am I to do? This whole situation has gone to far. My kids are terrified and I am at risk of going into labor too early and bleeding to death. I have been in and out of the emergency room for weeks.  I am supposed to be on bedrest. Who can rest with all of this going on?

I have trying to find affordable lawyers for years about my husband's continued abuse from the Anne Arundel County court system and police department. He is disabled and he is often being taken advantage of. I have never seen a person go through as much as he does with the court system. We have been in court at least twice a month, EVERY month for the past two and a half years. When will it end? Who can afford a decent lawyer who doesn't charge a million dollars and who doesn't try to get you to plead to a crime you didn't do?

We are in serious need of help and we have no idea of who to turn to at this point. I spent money that I DO NOT HAVE to bail my husband (who's bail went from 60,000 to no bail to 100,000) out of jail because he did not commit the crime that he was accused of. I wish the news would have interviewed me instead of defaming my husband's name all over national television and on the internet. The only people hurting from these lies is my family. And all the comments I have seen about my husband truly hurt because these people (including the news stations and its reporters) don't even know the true story.

My family is traumatized. We fear for our lives. The police constantly follow not just my husband, but me as well. They sit in front of our old apartment, 3 or 4 cars at a time, standing in front of their cars with their arms folded watching us! Police in unmarked cars continue to park in front of our house for hours at a time. We have no freedom whatsoever to move about, and come and go as we please. What kind of life is this?

I am in search of an affordable lawyer to help defend him for the civil case we have against the state/ it's officials and possibly his criminal charges (which WILL be dropped because there is absolutely NO evidence).

 The police came to our house again about a week and a half ago. Here is the link: 


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